Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine at the origin of a new blunder? Discomfort after the announcement of the pregnancy of a columnist of “C to you” live

Like every day of the week, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine presents the program “C à vous” on France 5. At her side to bounce on the news and question the guests, a cheerful band of columnists namely Patrick Cohen, Pierre Lescure, Marion Ruggieri, Matthieu Beliard, Mohamed Bouhafsi, Bertrand Chameroy or even Émilie Tran Nguyen. The latter, who took the place of Maxime Switek, has been officiating in the program for almost two years… but is about to leave.

This is indeed what Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine announced, this Monday, May 23, 2022, live. The host indeed thanked her guests before declaring See you tomorrow, at 7 p.m., live, big kisses!” at the end of the show. But just before going on air, the pretty blonde added a quick note about columnist Émilie Tran Nguyen: Tomorrow will be Emilie’s last before her maternity leave!“.

Did Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine make a mistake?
If the message was simple and adorable, one wonders if the host would not have committed a new blunder by making this revelation. Did the columnist want this information to remain private? We can indeed ask the question because she seemed surprised to hear Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine make this confidence and turned to her in astonishment, without speaking.

Married to journalist Maxime Darquier since July 2018, Émilie Tran Nguyen is already the mother of a little girl named Ava, born in August 2019. The couple is therefore preparing to welcome a second baby in the coming months.

See also:

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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