ANGELIQUE CAKE, to illustrate the CHALUS HISTORY and TERROIRS book fair


Angelica is this green candied fruit found in candied fruit compositions! A subtle and sweet fragrance. It can be replaced by leaves of mint, verbena and even basil, then just proceed as for the stems of Angelica. In any case, this cake is appreciated with a good tea or a good herbal tea.

Per person :

2 tbsp Angelica stalks, finely chopped and macerated the day before in 2 tbsp powdered sugar

3 or 4 strawberries, washed, hulled and cut into very small pieces

For the cake, for 1 person:

1 level tbsp plain yogurt, 3 level tbsp flour

1 p salt, 1 tbsp sugar

1 tbsp Angelica stem syrup (with a few pieces)

¾ tbsp oil, 2 tbsp beaten egg

½ tsp baking powder.

To grease the mold, butter or parchment paper

For the cream, for 1 person:

2 tbsp Angelica stem syrup (with a few pieces)

10 tbsp milk, 1 tsp sugar

1 egg yolk, 1 tsp cornstarch

The day before, prepare the Angelica. The next day, prepare the cake and the cream.

The cake. Mix all the ingredients provided for the cake except the yeast until you obtain a homogeneous paste, leave to rest for at least 30 minutes. Grease the mold. Incorporate the yeast. Pour into the mould, bake without preheating. Bake 20 mins at Th 5 (150°) for 1 individual mould. Leave to cool in the oven before unmolding.

Cream. Heat together milk, sugar and syrup. Bring to a boil then turn off. In a bowl, mix the egg yolk with the cornstarch. Gradually add the milk and stir constantly. Return the preparation to the saucepan, heat over low heat for 6 to 7 minutes until it thickens, stirring constantly.

Once cake and cream have cooled, divide the cake in 2. On the base, spread half the cream and half the strawberries. Cover with the rest of the cake. Spread the rest of the cream, the rest of the strawberries and the rest of the syrup and pieces of Angelica on top. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour before serving.

Nice kitchen to all, Régine

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