André Bouchet (Passe-Partout in Fort Boyard): “Everyone is big in the family except me”

Master key was featured on the show At Jordan’s broadcast on September 21, 2022, on C8. The iconic character of Fort Boyard (France 2) confided in his love story with the mother-in-law of one of his colleagues. He also talked about the disease he suffers from.

André Bouchet (his real name) did not escape a question about his dwarfism, also called achondroplasia. It is a genetic disease that causes abnormal growth plate formation that “can happen to anyone“as the 55-year-old clarified.”My parents are normal height. They never thought they would have a short person. Besides, my sister is 1m75. It’s funny, everyone is big in the family except me. It can happen to anyone in any family!“, he confided. And to clarify that when his mother was pregnant, his dwarfism was not detected during ultrasounds. “But my parents raised me like a kid, in quotes, normal“, he continued.

The one we nicknamed Passe-Partout had a fulfilling childhood. However, he admitted that at school it was not always easy. “Now, I didn’t give up. I am someone who is very reactive, I sent steak, let’s say“, he joked. Then he admitted that, since he is a character of the fort, the look of people had changed in the street: “We no longer say: ‘Here, look at the dwarf’, we say: ‘Here, there is a Passe-partout!'” Although he does not feel attacked when the term “dwarf” is used, he confessed that it annoyed him: “It touches, it would be lying to tell you that it did not touch me. But, I moved on. We’re not going to live with that all the time. (…) We know we’re dwarfs (…) But today I’m going to laugh about it“, he concluded.

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