an unexpected meeting between a disabled child and Pope Francis



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In the Vatican, a rather unusual scene unfolded, between Pope Francis and a young disabled child. The latter went to the Pope, after having escaped the surveillance of his group. A special moment between the two people, in front of nearly 6,000 individuals.

A young disabled child, who escaped the vigilance of his group, infiltrated and settled with Pope Francis, in full celebration Wednesday, October 20. A surprising moment, which did not bother the head of the Catholic Church, who did not hesitate to hold the hands of his young guest, in front of nearly 6,000 people present in the church, at the Vatican.

In his homily, Pope Francis will notably thank the intervention of the young child, who was subsequently brought back to his group. “What comes to my mind is what Christ said about the spontaneity and freedom of children. I want to thank this boy for the lesson he has given us. May God help him to grow up because he gave us something from the bottom of my heart “, added Pope Francis. An unforgettable moment for the young boy, who left with a skullcap offered by the Pope.


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