an audit partially confirms the accusations against the Ehpad group

An external audit firm confirms certain elements mentioned in the book-investigation “Les Fossoyeurs”. But he does not comment on the existence of a rationing system to the detriment of residents.

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New overwhelming elements are added to the Orpéa file. A new audit of the world leader in nursing homes, suspected of abuse since the publication of the investigative book “Les Fossoyeurs” at the end of January, confirmed in its conclusions some of the accusations against the company, Wednesday, June 29.

A first part of this audit, commissioned by the group of retirement homes from independent firms after the publication of the book, had already mentioned “malfunctions” in the use of public funds at the beginning of June. This last part focuses on human resources issues and in particular the care of residents. He confirms several accusations made in the book: the quantities of meat served each evening were limited to 50 grams of steak, and the number of diapers purchased each day per resident did not exceed three.

The report also confirms the existence of a chronic shortage of staff. Even if he adds that such is the norm in the nursing home sector, he judges that Orpea has not put in place a sufficiently incentive wage policy to respond to it.

On the other hand, the report does not go so far as to accuse the group, already condemned for negligence after the death of a resident, of setting up organized rationing to the detriment of the residents. The audit does not consider itself in a position to assess the nutritional intake of meals, or to consider the average quantity provided per resident since the situation of each patient is different.

This report “allows the allegation of a system of generalized mistreatment to be dismissed”commented Philippe Charrier, promoted to general manager of the group at the start of the year. “On the other hand, it reports shortcomings and insufficiencies in the treatment of adverse events, the system of managerial incentives and the management of human resources”admitted the manager.

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