an alcoholic driver seriously injures four pedestrians in Toulouse

The shock injured nine pedestrians: the vital prognoses of two people are engaged. According to the Toulouse prosecutor’s office, the driver was drunk.

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A 32-year-old driver hit a group of pedestrians in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) on Sunday September 4 and injured nine people, reports France Bleu Occitanie. According to the prosecution, the vital prognosis is engaged for two pedestrians, two others injured are seriously and five others more lightly.

Around six o’clock, a car violently struck pedestrians on Avenue de Fronton, north of Toulouse. The two people whose life prognosis is engaged were transported in absolute urgency to the Purpan hospital. Among the injured, four were inside the car at the time of the collision. Pedestrians and car passengers were leaving a party.

Alcoholic, according to the Toulouse prosecutor’s office, the 32-year-old man was arrested and placed in police custody. Before the impact, he committed several traffic violations and hit a car.

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