Americans are “thinking about a more global architecture,” explains political scientist Jean-Paul Chagnollaud


Video length: 3 min

Call for a ceasefire in Gaza: the Americans are “thinking about a more global architecture”, explains political scientist Jean-Paul Chagnollaud

Call for a ceasefire in Gaza: the Americans are “thinking about a more global architecture”, explains political scientist Jean-Paul Chagnollaud


Are we witnessing a turning point in Israel’s war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip? For political scientist Jean-Paul Chagnollaud, specialist in the Middle East and guest on 19/20 info, Thursday March 21, the call for a ceasefire from the United States is rich in meaning.

The United States called for the first time since the start of the conflict for a “immediate ceasefire” in Gaza, in a resolution presented to the UN on Wednesday March 20. “I think it was already in the works for several weeks”points out the political scientist specializing in the Middle East Jean-Paul Chagnollaud, guest on 19/20 info, Thursday March 21.

For the specialist, this turnaround can be explained by the challenge of the American presidential election, which will be played out at the end of the year: “Biden absolutely wants to move in a political direction, and he has a very short time to do so, until November”explains Jean-Paul Chagnollaud. “I think it’s just a first step, where the Americans want to try to slow down the pace of all this, and then, maybe, get to more political issues.”continues the president of the Institute of Mediterranean Middle East Research and Studies (IREMMO).

“Saudi Arabia will play an important role”

Because Jean-Paul Chagnollaud sees a new political game taking shape, “beyond tragedy”he explains: “In the very medium term, the idea is (…) to think about a more global architecture”in which “Saudi Arabia will play an important role – it is capable of doing so – in close liaison with the United States. That’s where it’s at.”.

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