American actor Kevin Spacey, charged with sexual assault, plans to appear in British justice

The British prosecution announced Thursday legal proceedings against the actor for “four counts of sexual assault against three men”, from March 2005 to April 2013.

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American actor Kevin Spacey announced on Tuesday May 31 that he intended to appear in court in the United Kingdom to defend himself after being charged in this country with four sexual assaults. The British prosecutor’s office announced on Thursday that it had “authorized criminal charges against Kevin Spacey, 62, on four counts of sexual assault against three men”over a period from March 2005 to April 2013, when he was artistic director of the Old Vic theater in London.

“Although I am disappointed by this decision, I will voluntarily report to the UK as soon as it can be arranged and defend myself against these charges and I am sure prove my innocence”said the actor in a statement sent to the morning show of the American chain ABC, “Good Morning America”.

The charges were made in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein case. The Old Vic theater had commissioned an internal investigation, led by a law firm, into the behavior of its former artistic director. In total, “20 Personal Accounts of Kevin Spacey’s Alleged Inappropriate Behaviors” had been collected.

The actor was also the subject of lawsuits in the United States, but they were dropped. This wave of accusations had serious consequences on the career and reputation of the American actor.

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