Amel Bent, young mother: sublime in a transparent blouse, she reveals her breasts

And the singer – seen on the 15th in Perros-Guirec, for the filming of a clip on the beach of Trestrignel – literally conquered her fans with this sublime shot: in the comments, everyone is extremely admiring. “Bomb“, “cannon“, “wow you are beautiful” or “But what a beauty” can we read from its subscribers. The dancer Christophe Licata, remained friends with her since they had danced together in Dance with the starswas satisfied with a pretty white heart.

In any case, Amel Bent is making a comeback … and it’s nice! The singer had taken a little break since the beginning of April, after the birth of her little boy. Third child to join the little family (after Sofia, 6 years old and Hana, 4 and a half years old), the baby had had some health problems which have since been completely resolved and is growing up with his mother who has still not revealed his first name.

It must be said that Slimane and Vitaa’s friend (who have both had a child in recent months as well) probably has other things on her mind: her husband Patrick Antonelli has been in prison since May for a 15 month sentence in a corruption case. The singer, alone to manage her 3 toddlers, will have to be strong, especially since new songs have just been released. But to see her back on stage… you’ll probably have to be a little patient!

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