Amel Bent, moved mother: adorable declaration of love from her daughter, she cracks

Amel Bent’s perfect happiness did not last long. Barely a few days after giving birth to a baby boy, her third child with businessman Patrick Antonelli, the latter went to Nanterre remand center to serve a 15-month prison sentence. prison. If he appealed this decision, he is nonetheless free. In the meantime, it is therefore only that the 36-year-old singer takes care of their tribe.

Surely in need of his companion and father of his children, Amel Bent can count on the love of their three toddlers, precisely. That of the girls is even expressed with words. The coach of The Voice proved it in his Instagram story (see slideshow) this Tuesday, May 10.

On an erasable white school board, Amel Bent was surprised to find that a word had been written to her, a magnificent statement that left her speechless: “I love you mom. Minoucha” can we read on the snapshot that she shared. A sober black heart comes to accompany the photo but fully translates what the mother must have felt at that moment. Are these words those of Sofia (4 years and half) or those of Sofia (6 years old)? It doesn’t matter, they touched Amel Bent in the heart…

There is no doubt that the happy loves her children even more. Talking about his daughters last year on the set of Dailythe singer confided in this overwhelming love that life had put in her way: “When I look at my daughters and see myself in them, I have to love myself. ‘Cause if I don’t like pieces of me, I don’t like pieces of them and that’s not possible.” At the time, she also confided already wanting to expand the family with two other children, preferably girls.

It is finally a boy that Amel Bent gave birth to last month, a little “prince” which she enjoys to the fullest with the two big sisters. If the birth went well, baby nevertheless had to make a short trip to the emergency room. The little boy, whose first name has still not been revealed, suffered from problems respiratory problems after contracting acute bronchiolitis, a worrying unexpected event that fortunately resulted in a cure.

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