Amel Bent mom: unfiltered photo of the singer from the hospital

Even when you sing on the biggest stages in France, when you wear designer dresses and high heels, the reality of childbirth is just that: jogging, sneakers, drawn features, a round belly, whether before or after giving birth to your baby! Amel Bent, who gave birth to her third child (a little boy), unveiled a photo of her without a filter on Tuesday April 12, 2022 in an Instagram story.

The 36-year-old singer reveals herself from the hospital and displays a cute smile. In a casual but stylish outfit all the same, the mother of Sofia, 6 years old and Hana, 4 and a half years old, writes “one week already…” in legend. It has indeed been a week since her baby was born. But the question we are entitled to ask is, when is this photo from? Is it a fond memory taken a few hours before childbirth or after giving birth? Is she still in the hospital? There is little chance that it is the latter option but there is nothing to confirm it.

What is more certain, however, is that the mother will soon have to go back to work! Indeed, coach of The Voice, she will have to face the live broadcasts in a few weeks, far from her baby. An important step for her, who explained to her subscribers that she would find them after “a little rest and a lot of hugs” to her newborn baby. In view of the comments, her fans were so happy with this birth that the singer of My philosophy had to thank them warmly.

Thank you for your very many messages of congratulations, it’s too kind and it warms my heart and soul” she sent them. Pampered by her fans, Amel Bent even indulged in a few moments of nostalgia lately: in a story on Instagram, she posted a photo of her very pregnant, explaining that her “big bidou“He missed him!

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