Amandine Pelissard (“Large families” gives news of her son after his accident

The daily life of the Pelissard family (“Large families, life in XXL”) is made of joys but also of small worries. After the concern related to a health problem of her husband, Amandine Pelissard had a great scare with Charles, her little boy. On Sunday May 1, her son was admitted to the emergency room. In question ? A nasty fall of the child while climbing on a toboggan. The dad therefore filmed the arrival of his toddler in the pediatric service and also revealed the impressive open wound of his son. More fear than harm the toddler who even left with a superhero certificate and nice memories of this unexpected medical escapade. Proud of her little boy, Amandine Pellissard then discovered the rewards received by the latter who was just recovering from the intervention which had obviously gone well.

Amandine Pellissard gives news of her son Charles

Less than two weeks after this unfortunate accident, little Charles Pellissard is obviously much better. Thursday, April 12, his mother announced that her son had his stitches removed by a nurse, who went to their home. And once again, the little boy showed unfailing courage, making his parents proud. “Me, I’m too proud of my little Charles. Why is mom proud of you? Because just now the nurse came to remove the threads from your stitches, my baby. You were super brave, mom is proud of you“said the one who recently admitted to considering cosmetic surgery. “Oh yes, I’m proud of my little cuckoo!“, added her husband Alexandre.


See also: Amandine Pellissard facing the disease: her sad news about cancer

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