Alimony, origin of meat in restaurants, youth employment contract… What is changing in March

Youth program, consumption, bonuses, salary benefits, education… Changes will take place in several areas during this month of March 2022. Already, on February 28, many health restrictions have been modified, such as the end of the compulsory mask in places subject to the vaccination pass. Franceinfo takes stock.

Only a few days left to register on the electoral lists for the presidential election

Registration on the electoral lists in order to vote in the presidential election is possible until Wednesday March 2 online at, and until Friday March 4 at the town hall or by post. A deadline is granted for the legislative elections, until May 4 online and until May 6 in town hall or by mail.

The youth engagement contract is launched

The youth engagement contract, which replaces the current Youth Guarantee scheme, is taking its first steps on March 1, 2022. It concerns unemployed young people aged 16 to 25, who are not in training and are struggling to find a job, says the government. Young people with disabilities under the age of 30, without employment or training, are also concerned.

The youth employment contract is one of the measures of the “1 young person, 1 solution” program, launched in 2020. It allows the young person to follow a support course of six to twelve months, sometimes even up to eighteen months. , in order to find a job. During this course, he benefits from an allowance of up to 500 euros per month.

2021 holiday vouchers are exchangeable until March 31

Have you forgotten holiday vouchers valid until the end of 2021 at the bottom of a drawer? Note that each holiday voucher worth more than 30 euros can be exchanged until March 31, 2022. You can then benefit from a two-year extension of validity. The new checks will therefore be valid until December 31, 2023, indicates the government website.

The doubling of the ceiling for restaurant vouchers remains in force

The relaxation of the conditions of use of restaurant vouchers (Tickets restaurants, UpDéjeuner, etc.), which was to end on February 28, has been extended until the end of June. The ceiling is by then always doubled (38 euros against 19 euros ordinarily) and restaurant vouchers can be used on weekends.

“I think our restaurant friends deserve it“, estimated Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy, on February 23 on RMC-BFMTV. The Umih, the main employers’ organization in the sector, welcomed the decision which should boost their activity, in a pandemic context that is still complicated for restaurateurs.

The origin of all meat must be indicated in restaurants

Labeling of the origin of meat served in restaurants is mandatory from March 1, 2022. Until now, only the origin of beef had to be mentioned in restaurants, a legacy of the mad cow crisis in particular . From now on, the origin will also have to be mentioned for poultry, sheep, pork and goat meat, whether in collective catering (schools, hospitals, administrative restaurants) or commercial catering.

In collective catering, “it is estimated that half of the meat is imported and for poultry, the share is even higher”noted Julien Denormandie, Minister of Agriculture, in September 2021, “convinced that this labeling obligation will get things moving”.

Alimony is systematically managed by the CAF

From March 1, the family allowance funds (CAF) now systematically act as intermediaries between divorced parents for the payment of alimony, in order to avoid unpaid bills.

This “public support service”, which ex-spouses had until now to request, applies automatically, unless both parents agree to request exemption.

>>Testimonial. The struggle of Valérie, a single mother, to receive her alimony

The reform comes into force from March 1 in the case of divorces pronounced by a judge. It will be extended on January 1, 2023 to all other separations involving minor children (divorce by mutual consent, or enforceable title issued by the CAF): “No longer need to have a divorce decree, even unmarried couples will be able to use it”emphasizes the National Family Allowance Fund (CNAF).

This change will allow “to reverse the load of the request”and of “to inform” possible unpaid bills to come, CNAF director general Nicolas Grivel told AFP. Single mothers are over-represented among the over-indebted, while some fathers do not honor their obligations. In total, in France, 380 000 minor children are concerned, while 200,000 couples with children separate each year.

The price of some brands of cigarettes and cigars is increasing

Good news for smokers: the main brands of cigarettes (Lucky Strike, Camel, Marlboro, Winfield, Winston…) are not affected by a price increase on March 1st. However, some less sold brands or categories see their prices increase. This is particularly the case for Imperiales Clasicos cigars, which go from 5.40 to 5.80 euros. French customs list the products concerned or not by the increases in this document. In January, almost 2.5 billion cigarettes were delivered to tobacconists in France and Corsica, according to customs.

The baccalaureate specialty tests are postponed

The specialty tests for the general and technological bac are postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Instead of taking place in mid-March, they are postponed from May 11 to 13, 2022. The program for the specialty tests will be identical, with no more subjects to revise.”specifies the government website.

The marks of these tests will not be included in the Parcoursup file. They will be replaced “by the averages obtained in the subjects concerned in first class, and during the first two terms of the terminale”.

Other deadlines by the end of March

Parcoursup. Opened at the end of January 2021 to high school students, the post-baccalaureate orientation wishes on the Parcoursup platform will end on March 29, 2022. On April 7, you must have completed your file and confirmed the wishes, then wait until June 2 for the launch of the admissions, the main phase of which will end on July 15. On September 16, the last orientations will be given, recalls the government’s calendar.

“Macron bonus.” Employers can pay this exceptional purchasing power bonus until March 31. This premium is capped “at 1,000 euros, or 2,000 euros in the event of the signing of a profit-sharing agreement or for second-line workers”details the website of the Ministry of the Economy.

Energy check. This system concerns 5.8 million low-income households and is intended to help them pay their energy bills (electricity, gas, etc.). This energy check can only be used until March 31, specifies the site dedicated to it.

Winter break. The winter break, which began on November 1, 2021, will end on March 31, 2022. During this period, no tenant can be evicted from their accommodation. However, some people are not affected by this measure, lists the government site.

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