Alec Baldwin still haunted by the death of Halyna Hutchins

Two months after the death of director of photography Halyna Hutchins on the set of the film Rust, Alec Baldwin spoke to his fans on Instagram.

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In a video of about three minutes, the actor and producer thanked everyone who wrote to him for their support.

“I’ve received hundreds and hundreds of emails from friends, family and colleagues,” said the 63-year-old comedian.

Alec Baldwin said he is having a tough time, due to the death of Halyna Hutchins, whom he allegedly shot dead during the filming of Rust.

“I can’t wait for some parts of this story to be behind me, but for everyone involved, this case will never really be over, because one person has tragically died,” he said.

“There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about it,” added the actor.

He is still at home with his family and wants to continue living his life through these tough times.

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