Albert of Monaco: his daughter Jazmin will soon play for a big name in Hollywood

At almost 30 years old, Jazmin Grace Grimaldi is continuing her career as a singer and actress. Still as active on social networks, the daughter of Prince Albert of Monaco and the American Tamara Rotolo recently hinted that she could soon work with a famous screenwriter and director …

On November 17, 2021 in New York, the young woman attended the premiere of the American film Being the Ricardos, which will be released on December 21 on Amazon Prime. This biopic with Nicole Kidman and Javier Bardem looks at the relationship between the two stars of the series I love lucy, Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. At the premiere, its director and screenwriter Aaron Sorkin was present. The opportunity for Jazmin Grimaldi to strike a pose with him for a photo relayed in Story Instagram …

In the caption of the photo, the pretty blonde said: “The one and only #aaronsorkin. I look forward to working with you!“Is a concrete project already in preparation or is it a simple call of the foot? It must be said that the career of Aaron Sorkin is impressive! The 60-year-old American has written several pieces of theater performed on Broadway, signed four series and wrote / directed several films: Men of Honor, The Social Network, Steve Jobs, The Big Game, The Chicago Seven… In all, he collected an Oscar, three Golden Globes, a BAFTA and a Critics’ Choice Movie Award. Just that.

While waiting to learn more about this possible collaboration, Jazmin Grimaldi recently shot in England in a film entitled The Chelsea Cowboy. Again, this is a biopic: a feature film about actor John Bindon, with Alex Pettyfer and Poppy Delevingne, directed by Ben Cookson.

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