“Alarming” data on the living conditions of school support staff

More than 10% of school support staff affiliated with the Federation of Public Service Employees (FEESP-CSN) use food banks, reveals an internal survey.

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The union executive deplored at a press conference on Sunday that its members are among the lowest paid employees in the public sector.

“The results are overwhelming: school support employees experience great daily economic precariousness and the current salary offers from the Quebec government will only worsen this situation,” denounces Annie Charland, president of the FEESP-CSN school sector. .

The 7,000 of the 35,000 members of the union organization say 78% have to live from paycheck to paycheck.

The increasing use of food banks, estimated at 12%, is of great concern to the executive, describing the data as “alarming”.

Here is other data collected by the Federation:

· 19% of members consulted must hold another job during the year (apart from the summer period)

· 52% of members consulted emphasize that their job does not allow them to meet several basic needs

Although concerned about the situation, the vice-president of the FEESP-CSN is not surprised by these figures, giving examples of average salaries among his members.

“According to the latest updated data from the Treasury Board, in 2020-2021, the average gross annual salary of a school support employee was $24,284,” mentioned Frédéric Brun.

TVA News

The first vice-president of the CSN, François Enault also recalled that several unions representing the public sector have already spoken out in favor of the strike.

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