Alain Caza accused of the murder of his daughter Amanda, 34, in Ormstown, Montérégie

Alain Caza was charged Thursday morning with the second-degree murder of his 34-year-old daughter Amanda.

The 60-year-old man appeared in the morning at the Salaberry-de-Valleyfield courthouse to be formally charged. He was not known to the police, confirmed the Sûreté du Québec (SQ).

The police intervened Wednesday morning after receiving a call for “an altercation between two people” in a residence on Cairns Street, in Ormstown. It has not been confirmed who resided at this location.

There, they found Amanda Caza unresponsive. She had been seriously injured with a stab and was pronounced dead on the spot, said SQ spokesperson Valérie Beauchamp. As for Alain Caza, he had minor injuries when the police intervened. He was taken to hospital for treatment and released shortly thereafter.

The motives behind this fatal attack are not known at this time. On her social networks, Amanda Caza posts several photos of herself with her little daughter and her father, even calling him “the best dad”.

Several people paid tribute to him on his Facebook account. “I can’t believe it was his last with her,” wrote a relative under a photo of Amanda Caza and her daughter on the occasion of Mother’s Day.

The accused will return to court on May 24.

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