aid for fishermen extended until February 2023

This aid had been put in place by the previous government of Jean Castex as part of the “resilience plan” aimed at helping companies cope with the economic consequences of the war in Ukraine.

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Financial assistance for fishermen to cope with soaring fuel prices is extended “until February 2023”announced Friday, November 4 the Secretary of State for the Sea, Hervé Berville. “The fuel aid implemented since March 17, 2022 (…) and which was to end on November 15 is now extended until February 2023”according to a press release.

Originally due to expire at the end of July, it has been extended several times. “Its amount will remain 25 cents (excluding taxes) per liter of diesel” and “will represent a financial commitment from the State which may represent up to more than 20 million euros, in addition to the 45 million euros budgeted until then”it is specified.

The amount of aid that can be granted to each fishing company has just been raised by the European Commission. This ceiling “which was 65,000 euros in July and which had been raised for the first time to 105,000 euros, now goes to 330,000 euros per fishing company”it is underlined.

“This increase will open access to fuel aid to more vessels and will therefore be able to fully apply to fishing companies with several vessels, which were previously excluded”explained the State Secretariat for the Sea.

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