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The Marmande tomato, produced in Lot-et-Garonne, has just obtained the red label. Producers hope that this recognition will help guide consumers.
In Marmande (Lot et Garonne)the tomato is the star of the stalls. It alone symbolizes the market gardening production of Lot-et-Garonne. She is now crowned with the supreme distinction: a red label. By the end of June, small white and vermilion labels, well known to consumers, will bloom on the crates. “For the consumer, it is a guarantee that he buys local. And for us, it will generate some sales”says Francine Prama trader in the Marmande market.
“The guarantee of a tasty tomato”
“This is the first official tomato quality and origin sign in France. It is a great pride here. It is a label which was born in the Lot-et-Garonne which took six years to obtain. For the consumer, it is the guarantee of a tomato that tastes“, rejoices Sophie Thillmarketing manager at Paysans de Rougeline. The tomato joins the very closed club of 20 red label fruits and vegetables. This label is a guarantee of quality for the consumer, but which sometimes comes at a high price.