Agriculture: harvests disrupted by the unusual heat of October




Article written by

M.-P. Degorce, France 3 regions, B. Bervas – France 3

France Televisions

The temperatures of October disrupt the harvests in France, with aadvantages for some cultures, but disadvantages for others… The 19/20 takes stock, Tuesday, October 25.

Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers… Summer vegetables go into extra time in October. Many customers still come to pick their vegetables and fill their baskets at a producer. vincent Linkardmanager of “The picking Saint-Gratien”, rejoices: “We have vegetables that are maturing, unlike usual. It can just as well be salads that get fat as tomatoes that blush, so all these vegetables that we are no longer used to eating at this time normally.

The Indian summer also does damage. The winter vegetables have grown too quickly, like lamb’s lettuce in the greenhouses of a market gardener. He will have to destroy 300 kilos of harvest. There are also more than 25°C under the olive trees. Thus, even the Southeast records temperatures that are too mild for the season. Something to disorient all plants, flowers and fruit trees.

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