against compulsory vaccination in Germany, these opponents organize “walks”

Towards compulsory vaccination in Germany, as in Austria? A first exchange of views is due to take place on Wednesday between the deputies in the Bundestag. But the measure of the new Social Democratic Chancellor Olaf Scholz, which must be applied from March, is debated within German public opinion, which approves the measure by a majority.

Those who oppose it are making their voices heard in a new way. For several weeks, just before Christmas, every Monday, all over the country and not only in the big cities, they have not been organizing demonstrations, as we can see in France, but what they call “walks”.

In Brandis, Saxony, that evening, there was no banner, no slogan, not even a sound in the cold night on the village square. When the church bells ring 7 p.m., people gathered in small groups crowd together one behind the other to form a long procession on the sidewalk. This is the start of the walk.

And like many others, Susanna takes the opportunity to take her dog out. And it does him good:We are ridiculed, denied, defamed. For me, this walk has become a blessing and a satisfaction. It is even a need. So, I do not deny the existence of this virus, but it is far from being as serious as we are led to believe. I rather think that vaccination only makes things worse. I have always been very attentive to my health, my diet, my body. And for this reason, I have confidence in my immune system.

The number of his “walks” is constantly increasing. The project to make vaccination compulsory brings together against it people of very different ages, from all walks of life, who call themselves left-wing, environmentalists or extreme right-wingers, non-vaccinated people like Susanna, but also vaccinated people, like Thomas :

I would not rejoice never have people been forced to get vaccinated. I trust each person to decide for themselves, rather than harassing everyone so much that you have to do it, often against your will.

It is this argument that comes up most often, as with this man: the defense of total individual freedom.

“I live my life and I decide for myself. No one can decide for me.”

A “walker”

at franceinfo

I decide to get vaccinated or not. I don’t care what is decided at the political level, I still go on my way.“explains this walker who wishes to remain anonymous.

From March 15, vaccination will become compulsory for healthcare workers and employees of hospitals and retirement homes. It is not before the end of March that this obligation could be extended, either to other groups, or to everyone from the age of 18.

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