after this new hiccup, what political future for the Minister of Education?

A word from the Prime Minister, on the sidelines of a trip to Paris, to ensure that Jean-Michel Blanquer had not failed. One my culpa of the interested party on the form, both in front of the deputies, then in the 8 p.m. of TF1 to recognize that the Balearic Islands was a regrettable choice of destination for a Minister of Education while preparing a complicated return to school.

On Tuesday, the executive therefore tried to close the “Ibizagate” chapter. 80 days before the presidential election, the operation “We must save soldier Blanquer” is mounted crescendo during the day on Tuesday, annoying some in passing, because it is not a first.

>> We explain to you why Jean-Michel Blanquer’s holidays in Ibiza on the eve of the start of the school year are going badly

A defense initially shy of his colleagues invited in the morning on the sets. “Rue de Grenelle, the crisis is perceptible, everyone looks at each other like a dog. Jean-Michel Blanquer is affected” then entrusts one of those who rub shoulders with him to the Ministry of Education. Behind the scenes, we are preparing for this to pitch during the session of questions to the government in the Assembly.

Matignon also recommends speaking to the general public, as in an 8 p.m. newspaper: we must demine. Especially since Emmanuel Macron is preparing his European sequence, a big speech in Strasbourg, followed by a press conference. Nothing should interfere. In the hemicycle, there is ultimately only one question, followed by a single call for resignation.

And that almost amazed. “I am surprised by the lack of virulence of the oppositions” thus entrusts an adviser to power who, suddenly, predicts that “the case will not pass the week“.

Matignon had been informed that Jean-Michel Blanquer was going to Ibiza and had tried to dissuade him, aware of the explosive potential. At the end of the day, on the sidelines of a trip, Jean Castex nevertheless gave his blessing in reverse: his minister complied with his instructions and the state apparatus worked. On TF1, the person concerned counter-attacks with a line of defense decided in consultation with the top of the executive: the oppositions play on the symbol. He will not beat his guilt because the adversaries have decided to destabilize him.

Jean-Michel Blanquer therefore saves his head as a short-term minister, but the future darkens. With Jean-Yves Le Drian in Foreign Affairs and Bruno Lemaire in the Economy, the Minister of Education is the only one in the same position since the start of the five-year term. A pillar that carries part of the balance sheet.

Impossible to part with it without shooting yourself in the foot, we judged last week within the executive. Corn “the question is whether this balance sheet, the controversy does not tarnish it“, asks a minister in a small committee. His action, Jean-Michel Blanquer defended it with ardor, Tuesday evening.

In private, he recently confided that he wanted to re-enlist in the event of Emmanuel Macron’s second term. Never having rubbed shoulders with universal suffrage, he was looking for a constituency in Ile-de-France for the legislative elections. Except he embarrassed the President. “This case seriously mortgages his political future“Judges a government source.

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