after the draw against Annecy, Ismaël Traoré believes that “FC Metz is still under construction”

FC Metz, clumsiness! Last night on the occasion of the 7th day of Ligue 2, the Garnets were held in check by FC Annecy. Final score: 0 to 0.

Faced with the promoted Haut Savoyard, courageous and brave, and who moreover finished the match at 10 after the expulsion of former Messin Ahmed Kashi (80 ‘), the club at the Croix de Lorraine did not know how to concretize his dominance.

Too much waste, a cruel lack of imagination, and a little physical and psychological fatigue – it was all the same FC Metz’s 3rd match in 6 days and the very first post summer transfer window, which ended Thursday evening .

After the victory in Rodez, last Tuesday (1-4), Garnet captain, Matthieu Udol regrets this slack.

One hundred and eleven absent

Among the players solicited this summer during the transfer window, and who finally stayed, there are Fabien Centonze. The right side Messin, holder in Rodez, last Tuesday, was absent against Annecy. He presented, according to his trainer, a medical excuse. No further details at this time.

In a post-match press conference, Romanian FC Metz technician Laslo Bölöni admitted that this summer transfer window had left its mark.

Only four points taken in three days

For defender Ismaël Traoré, one of the three garnet transfer window recruits, this draw against Annecy is unfortunately two points lost and above all a missed opportunity to get closer to the top of the rankings.

Ismaël Traoré who unfortunately injured his knee yesterday. He was replaced in the 64th minute of play. He will undergo additional examinations this weekend.

In the standings, FC Metz lost two places. He is now seventh, three points behind Amiens, the leader. Next meeting, Monday September 12, against Guingamp.

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