after the cancellation of his concert, concern mounts over the participation of La Zarra

Chosen to be the representative of France at Eurovision 2023, La Zarra canceled a concert on Saturday evening “following a personal problem”. Concern mounts after she announced to the newspaper “Le Parisien” that she had lost her voice “for six months”.

Quebec singer La Zarra, revealed by her hit you will go away in 2021, is the candidate selected to represent France at Eurovision 2023, without going through a vote by a jury and the public as in recent years.

The head of the French delegation to Eurovision, Alexandra Redde-Amiel, supported this choice during the official announcement in January 2023: ” As an entertainment director, I meet a lot of artists all the time and two years ago I met La Zarra, in line with what I’m looking for for Eurovision.”

voice problems

La Zarra canceled its presence at Eurovision in Concert on Saturday April 15, which brings together 29 Eurovision participants. This traditional pre-ceremony took place in Amsterdam and gathered more than 5000 fans.

La Zarra did not specify the reasons for its cancellation, citing a ” personnal issue” in a statement posted on Instagram and Twitter. She assured “need a few days to deal with these difficult times”emphasizing the importance of maintaining ” moments of intimacy.“His presence at Eurovision, on May 13 in Liverpool in the United Kingdom, is maintained. His appearance on the program “Télé-Matin”, scheduled for Tuesday on France 2, is however postponed to an unknown date.

The newspaper The Parisian revealed on Sunday that La Zarra had lost his voice “during six months.” The singer nevertheless specified going “Better for only three weeks.” She explained those concerns to the newspaper: “I’m not going to lie, I have ups and downs with the competition. Sometimes I think I’m going to win and other times it’s too much. But I’m here to do the best I can.”

A dirty hotel room

The Parisian also evokes an Instagram story, in which La Zarra denounced the state of her hotel room in the Dutch capital where she spent the night: “Truly I love you madly because sleeping in a room that smells of mold when you have a voice as wonderful as mine… How to say, I washed my room with bleach myself so much it was dirty. There are even pillows with blood stains! It’s very cheerful all that.”

In January, La Zarra confided to AFP already uncertainties before the announcement of his participation in the Eurovision Song Contest: “In recent years, I was not ready, I was writing my first album (“Traîtrise”, released at the end of 2021) and I did not see myself defending France, this great country. Today, I have more confidence in me and I am surrounded by a motivated team.”

France hasn’t won the Eurovision Song Contest since singer Marie Myriam, who landed France’s last Eurovision win in 1977 with The Bird and the Child.

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