After qualifying for the Pro B Play-Off, the Antibes Sharks extend their coach

Regular season almost over, new goals with the Play-Offs but… we keep the coach! Dan Goethals is extended at the head of the Antibes Sharks until 2025!

His team validated his tickets for the final stages of the Pro B championship this week, it now has the possibility and the ambition to move up to the first division, the BetClic Elite. For that, you will have to win the tournament. A goal perhaps a little close for “Big Dan” and his men, but the club is betting for the end of the season and the next seasons on continuity.

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Freddy Tacheny, president of the club, underlines in a press release the good sporting dynamics of the club this season and the importance of training. He praises the human values ​​of Daniel Goethals and concludes: “I am convinced that he and his team will demonstrate maximum mobilization and commitment in order to position the Antibes Sharks at the highest level.“.

The Sharks have two games left before entering the play-offs. Next meeting in Boulazac (Dordogne) Saturday at 8 p.m.

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