After obtaining a discharge for a sexual assault, Simon Houle risks losing it

After obtaining a conditional discharge as a sentence for a sexual assault, Simon Houle risks losing it: the Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions (DPCP) has filed a charge of breach of probation.

The information dated Tuesday says the man breached the peace and good conduct order.

This order was part of the sentence pronounced by judge Matthieu Poliquin on June 21, after the man had pleaded guilty to a charge of sexual assault and one of voyeurism. The magistrate had granted a conditional discharge, accompanied by three years’ probation.

It is the latter which was not respected, according to the denunciation.

The acts alleged against Simon Houle allegedly occurred on July 4 – just two weeks after Judge Poliquin’s decision – while he was on vacation in Cuba.

A Quebecer accused him of having grabbed her buttocks during this stay and filed a complaint with the police on his return.

If he is found guilty of breaking his probation, he could lose the benefit of the absolution he had obtained – and which had sparked a wave of indignation in Quebec.

In addition, the DPCP is seeking to appeal Judge Poliquin’s decision.

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