After his creepy wishes to Emmanuel Macron, Vladimir Putin would finally be in poor health

Days pass and the situation does not improve between Ukraine and Russia. On his side, Vladimir Putin continues to terrorize the crowds with his threats, particularly concerning nuclear weapons.

Vladimir Putin, however, casts doubt on the current situation in his country but especially in his closed circle given that he has locked the media in Russia. From there, many rumors circulated about him, for example about his health: Parkinson’s disease, thyroid cancer, paranoid disorders, botoxed face… everything goes.

Besides, the latest video of Vladimir Putin is intriguing and that’s why it went around Twitter. Clinging to his chair, he doesn’t seem well at all. Indeed, on this publication, the 69-year-old man is seated opposite his Minister of Defense alias Sergei Shoigu. Head tucked into his shoulders, hands nailed to the desk so they don’t move or even the sagging bust… all these details send shivers down your spine. This would confirm in particular that he has Parkinson’s.

Last March, a former British foreign secretary implied that Vladimir Putin might be addicted to steroids. “I think his immunity is compromised, either from corticosteroids that are given to him for another disease or from the steroids that you give to people who lift weights” he blurted out. It remains to be seen what is really going on.

This video is particularly making a lot of noise given that many have been intrigued by the congratulatory message sent by Vladimir Putin to Emmanuel Macron after his re-election. In it, he would have written according to the information relayed by Le Point: “I sincerely wish you success in your public action, as well as good health”. Could this be a sign that he would indeed be in poor shape? For the moment, no one can be sure. To be continued…


See also: His crazy story with a cleaning lady

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