Affordable Housing | Quebec urged to increase Accès Logis funding

(Montreal) On the eve of the tabling of the budget, groups promoting affordable housing are urging Quebec to increase funding for the Accès Logis program in order to carry out housing projects that are ready to see the light of day.

According to these groups, of the 14,000 housing units that were promised in 2018 by the government of François Legault, there are still 9,331 to be completed. This means that a little over 4,000 have been made, while the needs are enormous.

The Federation of Housing NPOs of Montreal, the Association of Technical Resource Groups of Quebec and the Quebec Network of Housing NPOs united their voices on Tuesday to meet the press and put pressure on the Quebec government.

They claim that as construction costs have increased over the years, the subsidies granted by the Accès Logis program no longer correspond to reality. Initially, Accès Logis corresponded to 50% of the cost of carrying out an affordable housing project. Today, the contribution of the Government of Quebec would be reduced to 32%, according to these groups.

The rest of the costs are assumed by the municipalities and by the groups, mainly through a mortgage.

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