affected by a rare syndrome, the singer makes a sad announcement

Justin Bieber has been on tour for several months as part of his “Justice World Tour”. And while fans rejoice to see the singer on stage all over the world, the latter made a sad announcement earlier this week to explain that three dates would have to be postponed for health reasons. If Hailey Bieber’s husband had simply assured that he needs to rest to get better, he has finally just said more about the evil that is eating away at him.

This Friday, June 10, the Canadian artist spoke on Instagram and revealed that he had a “fairly serious” virus which literally paralyzed half of his face. What force him to cancel his concerts in Toronto, Canada and Washington DC earlier this week.

Justin Bieber paralyzed
“As you can see that eye is not blinking. I can’t smile on that side of my face… So there’s complete paralysis on that side of my face. It’s because of this virus attacking the nerve of my ear and my facial nerves which caused the paralysis of my face” affirms the young man in the video.

So for those who are frustrated with the cancellations of my upcoming shows, I’m just not physically able to do them. It’s pretty serious, as you can see. I wish it weren’t, but obviously my body is telling me I need to slow down. I hope you understand. I’m going to use this time to rest, relax and get back to 100% so I can do what I was born to do.”
A rare syndrome
Ramsay Hunt syndrome is a complication of shingles that occurs when a flare-up affects the facial nerve near one ear. It can sometimes cause hearing loss or facial paralysis. We note that this neurological disease is also caused by “the same virus that causes chickenpox, which remains in the nerves even after the disappearance of the chickenpox and can reactivate, even years later”.

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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