Actress Charlotte Arnould claims to have been raped by Gérard Depardieu

BESANÇON | “I was raped by Gérard Depardieu in August 2018”: the actress Charlotte Arnould said Friday on Twitter to be the victim of the rapes for which the actor has been indicted for a year and that he contests.

• Read also: Gérard Depardieu: “I am innocent and I have nothing to fear”

• Read also: French actor Gérard Depardieu indicted for “rapes”

Gérard Depardieu, 72-year-old monument of French cinema, was indicted for “rape” and “sexual assault” on December 16, 2020, for acts committed in the summer of 2018, but the identity of his victim was until then. there unknown.

“I am the victim of Depardieu … It has been a full year since he was indicted. I can no longer be silent … “writes Charlotte Arnould on her Twitter account.

“It has been a year since he was indicted. He works while I spend my time surviving, ”continues the 25-year-old from Jura. “This life has eluded me for 3 years and I want to live without denying myself. This speech could be a huge shock in my life, I gain absolutely nothing except the hope of recovering my integrity. ”

“To continue to keep silent is to bury me alive,” she concludes.

Ni Me Elodie Tuaillon-Hibon, lawyer for the complainant, nor Me Hervé Temime, Gérard Depardieu’s lawyer, did not wish to comment on this speech.

Among the messages of support for Charlotte Arnould’s tweet, the author Florence Porcel, who herself accuses the former presenter of 8 pm Patrick Poivre d’Arvor of having raped her, tells her of “Tout (s) on support”.

The complainant, who had denounced to the gendarmerie at the end of August 2018 two rapes at the Parisian home of the star a few days earlier, had obtained in the summer of 2020 that this investigation, first classified by the Paris prosecutor’s office, be entrusted to a judge.

Since his indictment, revealed by AFP, Mr. Depardieu has been heard on the merits by the investigating judge, according to sources familiar with the case. He disputes the facts and was left free without judicial review.

According to these same sources, the actor requested from the investigating chamber of the Paris Court of Appeal the nullity of his indictment, but the request has not yet been examined. Investigations are still ongoing.

Charlotte Arnould is an actress, but also a graduate in classical and contemporary dance, as well as piano. She has acted in a dozen short films as well as in several plays. She also did the voice overs for several series on Netflix.

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