Actor Dylan Robert, César for best male hope in 2019, sentenced to thirty months in prison

Distinguished for his performance in the film “Scheherazade”, the 21-year-old actor is convicted of robbery.

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France Televisions

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Dylan Robert, César for the best male hope in 2019, was sentenced to thirty months in prison for robbery. The conviction of the young man was pronounced Monday, January 31 by the criminal court of Aix-en-Provence. The actor recognized two snatching of necklaces committed in the Bouches-du-Rhône, reported the newspaper The world. The actor explained to the court that he was looking for money to finance the bail he had to pay in another case…

Dylan Robert was imprisoned on January 5 after acknowledging the thefts committed in 2021 in Gardanne and Peypin (one of which incidentally failed). “Yes I’m stupid, I tell you between four eyes”, he declared to the president of the court surprised by the advanced motive to explain his actions.

The actor had been under judicial supervision since February 2021 after having spent thirteen months in pre-trial detention following two cases of theft with a weapon in 2017 and other thefts with violence. The condition for this regained freedom: the payment of a deposit of 3000 euros. “I was really afraid of not paying it, afraid that the judge would tell me: you don’t pay, then you go back to prison! The ball in my stomach, I did the bullshit again, the only thing I know how to do”, said Dylan Robert.

The young man panicked, he assured the court: when he got out of prison, the world of cinema was operating in slow motion because of the Covid-19. In addition, a sports hall that had made him a promise of employment did not keep its word. He did not even think of asking for a delay to pay his deposit, forgetting that a judge had already granted him his confidence during the year 2021, giving him authorizations to go on filming.

His incarceration in January 2020, which occurred shortly after his first cinematic success, had cast a shadow over the young career of Dylan Robert. This condemnation is not going to fix anything. His lawyer Aymeric Ros recalled for his part the vicissitudes of a youth under not always enviable influences: “He grew up in the chaos of delinquency, he seeks to escape it and embrace projects in the world of cinema, fashion. He has real possibilities for reintegration.”

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