activists on deck to defend their candidate


Article written by

C. Méral, J. Nény, T. Petit, V. Lerouge, L. Pekez, F. Daireaux, A. Remond, E. Piquereau, T. Gilardet, J. Pires – France 2

France Televisions

There are two weeks left before the first round of the presidential election. On the ground, activists continue to work. Close-up on three political formations: Les Républicains, the National Rally and Ia Republic on the move.

Fifteen days to convince. Activists are on deck to defend their candidate, like supporters of Emmanuel Macron. A sympathizer does not seem embarrassed that the candidate Macron does not campaign much. “We see what he does, he doesn’t need to explain himself more than that”, she says. Emmanuel Macron reaches nearly 30% in the polls, even if Marine Le Pen continues to progress. The candidate will hold a single meeting, Saturday April 2 in Paris.

Near Bordeaux (Gironde), Friday March 25, activists from Marine Le Pen are came to listen to him. The latest polls, about 19% for their candidate, encourages them to mobilize even more. Marine Le Pen plays proximity more than ever. She will be in Guadeloupe on the evening of Saturday March 26. Valérie Pécresse did not finally come to Bordeaux on Friday March 25, absent because of the Covid-19. Activists refuse to see it as a blow. It is around 11% in the voting intentions, but for the activists, everything is possible. It’s up to us (…) to ask people who are still hesitant to come and vote for her”says one of them.

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