accused of putting the education of her daughters “in danger”, she makes things clear!

If being a mother is probably the most beautiful job in the world, it is also the most difficult… And it is not Laeticia Hallyday who will say the opposite! And for good reason, very close to her two teenage daughters Jade (17) and Joy (13), the widow of Johnny Hallyday has taken care of their education alone since the tragic death of their father in 2007.

Only here, regularly, the companion of Jalil Lespert is accused by the Web of being a “bad mother”. Painful accusations that are the result of rumors, prejudices or even simple fabrications of Internet users.

For example, on July 2, Joy Hallyday, the youngest of the clan, revealed a photo of her in a restaurant while she was sipping a mojito (a rum-based cocktail). A cliché that the teenager had captioned, specifying that it was a non-alcoholic cocktail… Precise information which should have been taken into account by Internet users… However, the latter hastened to accuse Hallyday of leaving her 13 year old daughter drinking alcohol.

Unfounded judgments that Laeticia Hallyday is sadly used to… The proof, in 2018, when she took her two daughters to Vietman, in their native country, the latter was this time accused of jeopardizing the schooling of his two daughters…

Repeated attacks to which Laeticia Hallyday responded in 2019, in the columns of Journal du Dimanche: “You can say what you want about me, I’m used to it. But I do not accept being judged on my role as a mother when nothing is known about my life as a mother “she said!

See also: Laeticia Hallyday hospitalized again: in Montpellier, she underwent special examinations!


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