Accused of interference, Meghan Markle replied with a quote dear to Marlène Schiappa!

Last March, in the midst of the Mila affair (the name of this young woman threatened with death after having virulently criticized Islam), Marlène Schiappa had called on the leaders of Twitter to a jump, from the set of Do not touch My TV. The Minister in charge of Citizenship then quoted With great power comes great responsibility, echoing the words of Peter Parker’s uncle, alias Spiderman. She who undoubtedly relied on a universal message to speak to a large public, had been mocked on the Web.

After Marlène Schiappa, Meghan Markle

And yet, the French politician is obviously not the only one to propagate the wisdom of the spider man. This November 9, 2021, while participating in a virtual summit, “DealBook”, organized for the magazine The New York Times, Meghan Markle had come to present her brand new project. With her status as Duchess of Sussex, she now wants to campaign to create parental leave in the United States, a humanitarian issue », She believes.

And to those who find her too privileged to get involved in these social issues, Meghan Markle replied on Tuesday: “My husband (Prince Harry, Editor’s note) often says ‘great power comes with great responsibility’”. And to add that it is these words repeated by his man who encouraged him to continue his activism.

She defends her own record

The former actress of Suits, who joined the British royal family for 2 years before slamming the door, took the opportunity to recall: “But even before that, when my life was very, very different, I was fighting for what was right. I was away for a long time, lived in Canada for seven years, then moved to the UK, then came back. Now a mother of two, when I see that the United States is one of six countries in the world that does not offer any kind of paid parental leave, I thought to myself that I was going to get involved, make a few calls. To me this seems like a really logical and obvious thing to do“.

>> See also: Marlène Schiappa victim of harassment: the chilling story of the minister …


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