The Minister of Health gave this figure during the debate in the National Assembly on the vaccination pass. “The fake pass kills, it is reality,” he said.
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The Minister of Health Olivier Véran indicated in the night from Wednesday to Thursday in front of the National Assembly that “5% of hospitalized patients” had fake health passes and are not vaccinated. “The false pass kills, it’s reality”, he launched to LFI deputies who rejected a strengthening of sanctions in the event of fraud, as part of the examination of the bill establishing the vaccine pass. “The measures of the law seem balanced to us”, insisted the minister.
The possession of a false pass must now be punished by five years’ imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros. Presenting a pass belonging to someone else or transmitting a pass to someone else with a view to its fraudulent use will be punished by a fixed fine of 1,000 euros, compared to 135 euros today. The deputies adopted a government amendment on “repentance”: people holding false passes will not be penalized if they are injected with a first dose of vaccine within 30 days of committing the offense.
The Socialists but also Laurence Vichnievsky (MoDem) expressed their strong reservations, the latter evoking a “feeling of impunity” that can develop. The debates in the hemicycle were mainly based on identity checks in connection with the vaccination pass: in addition to the police, the managers of places and activities subject to the pass, such as cafeterias and restaurateurs, may under certain conditions. check it out, disposes of the bill.
LR elected officials denounced a “coping between the French”, and the socialists demanded to “entrust control tasks only to the police”. Will it be necessary “put on the handcuffs” at restaurants, for example, asked Caroline Fiat (LFI). And Martine Wonner, muse of covidosceptics, to fear “a denouncing society”.
But, replied Olivier Véran, “let’s not make (this control) an object of tyranny”: it is the same verification that is made by tobacconists when buying a pack of cigarettes by an adult, he quoted, assuring that “it’s something quite banal” and who will not be “systematic”. “It is in no way an identity check within the meaning of the Code of Criminal Procedure”, added the reporter Jean-Pierre Pont (LREM).