Accident for Stéphane Plaza in the middle of filming his new show for M6…

Decidedly, the sentimental life of Stéphane Plaza is making a lot of noise at the moment. Suspected of not assuming his sexuality, the host was eventually forced to speak publicly about it.

“I’ve always spread the word and I’ve been asked about it for fifteen years. I clarified things because they thought I was hiding. I go to Gay Pride, I’m for marriage for all , but I remain heterosexual. There is no claim. It happened like that. Afterwards, will people believe me, that’s another story!” he explained in the columns of TVMagazine.

Once this point is clarified, the faithful sidekick of Karine Le Marchand was able to devote himself to another project: his brand new program called Change everything or move? broadcast on M6. The concept is very simple. Families will have the choice between redoing everything in their home or moving. Each family will define the budget to be devoted to the change and the experts will have to respect it. For this, Stéphane Plaza will have the help of Antoine Blandin and Sophie Ferjani. In the event that they do not want to stay, the families will have to invest this budget in their new real estate purchase.

The first episode was unveiled this Friday, July 1, 2022. As experts analyzed one of the houses of Change everything or move?, the beam problem was underlined… Moreover, Stéphane Plaza confirmed that we had to be vigilant since he got caught in the face in front of the cameras. A little stunned, it took a few moments before recovering.

This scene reacted to Internet users who left messages such as “Poor Stéphane, never any luck with the beams”, “Your version is better than that of the Canadians and the English” or “I love the idea of ​​​​this show congratulations to the whole team it was great”. Let’s hope it doesn’t end up with a sore per house if we want to find it in one piece…


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