About thirty environmental activists have built a symbolic wall in front of the Ministry of Ecological Transition

This action, organized two days after the second round of the presidential election, aims to show opposition to “polluting projects”.

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An action by the environmental collective Resistances Locales was held on Tuesday April 26, early in the morning, in front of the Ministry of Ecological Transition in Paris. Thirty activists symbolically closed the ministry by erecting a wall of cinder blocks tagged with the slogan “Ministry closed, let’s take back the land” to express their opposition to “polluting projects”.

The action called “Back to Earth” is organized precisely two days after the second round of the presidential election. “in which we didn’t have much hope anyway”, confides an activist on the spot to franceinfo. A ballot that ended with the re-election of Emmanuel Macron.

Activists from the Local Resistances collective are mobilizing in front of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, in Paris, on April 26, 2022, to oppose the "unfair and polluting projects".   (PIERRE-LOUIS CARON / FRANCEINFO)

Activists say they no longer have confidence in the Ministry of Ecological Transition to act against global warming. About forty punch actions and demonstrations are planned today across France, according to them. “We can give a strong signal of resistance by attacking unjust and polluting projects and ecocidal companies everywhere in the territory”writes the collective on its website.

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