Approximately 200 people demonstrated in the city center du Mans this Saturday, April 16 against the far right, against Marine Le Pen’s National Rally. A mobilization at the call of several associations, collectives and unions. They read a joint text explaining that this fight “goes through the fact of not carrying any vote in favor of his candidate in the second round.
“We are very afraid of a deprivation of freedom, a violation of women’s rights, setbacks everywhere”, explains Josiane, a retiree from Le Mans. “It scares me very much and I don’t see her at all with the costume of President of the Republic.” She is accompanied by Colette, also retired and a volunteer with the Tarmac association, who particularly welcomes asylum seekers. “I am all for receiving them and I am afraid that they have no place in France at all.“, she specifies.
– Raphael Cann
“When you see the number of people who are gathered there, it scares me“, asserts Delphine, a caregiver. “Normally people come to rallies when the weather is good, but I think people are resigned.“If everyone assures that they do not want Marine Le Pen in power, many are reluctant to vote for Emmanuel Macron, judging him responsible for the rise of the far right.
“It’s a non-choice that we have: either vote for an autocrat, or vote for the far-right, so I think I would vote white“, explains Luc. The organizers of this demonstration did not call to vote for the outgoing president either, preferring to let the participants make their choice. Another mobilization was also organized in Le Mans this Saturday at the beginning of the afternoon, but it only brought together about fifty participants.