A weekend supplement for the “Journal du Dimanche”

The “Journal du Dimanche”, very influential in the political world, launches a monthly magazine focused on books, investigation and the art of living. The explanations of Jérôme Béglé.

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Reading time : 1 min.

While the magazine press is suffering from the fall in its sales, while the price of paper and energy is soaring, the Sunday newspaper (Where JDD) thinks it’s a good time to jump into the world of weekend supplements.

Every 4th Sunday of the month, the JDD Magazine will therefore be sold with the weekly, then will remain on sale individually for one month. On the program: literature, investigation and lifestyle. A different positioning from that of its newspaper competitors The world, Le Figaro Where The Parisian Today in France.

The explanations of Jérôme Béglé, managing director of the editorial staff of Sunday newspapermedia guest of Célyne Baÿt-Darcourt.

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