a visit to the Christmas market, between security and walkabout

After the Strasbourg hospitals at the end of the afternoon, Jean Castex visited the Christmas market in Place Broglie this Friday, December 10. The objective of the visit: take stock of the safety device in place and on compliance with health rules. The Prime Minister then engaged in a nearly an hour of walkabout between the chalets.

Satisfaction with the security system

Starting point of the visit: an Algeco. In front of a map of the city, several police chiefs presented the security system to the Prime Minister. A plan he seems satisfied: “We are doing prevention in terms of terrorism, as well as in terms of health”, he addressed to the mayor of the city and to the prefect, present on the spot. Before suggesting that the device could serve as inspiration for other events.

In front of the opera, Jean Castex then started a walkabout, reminding anyone that he knows Alsace well after having spent four years there, when he was president of the regional chamber of accounts. “I could almost have been naturalized Alsatian Madame, you know”, he laughs, addressing a passerby.

On the way, the Prime Minister especially spoke with different groups of police and security agents and congratulated the covid mediators, who convince some recalcitrant people to be vaccinated: “We have exceeded 90% of first-time injections in France today “, he prided himself.

That’s beautiful, it’s typically Alsatian

He then stopped in front of a dozen chalets, exclaiming regularly in front of the food stalls – “It looks appetizing” -, or embroidery “That’s beautiful, it’s typically Alsatian”.

He accepted in passing some gifts, such as an enormous gingerbread heart offered by Laurence, present at the Christmas market for 25 years. “I have already offered it to Mr. Macron and to Mr. Cazeneuve. I think that Mr. Castex also needs to get away from time to time. I am very proud to have offered him this symbol of Alsatian hospitality”, she testified.

Jean Castex also let himself be tempted by a moss ball stand … without falling into the trap of eating them outside the food stands, despite the seller’s suggestions.

On Saturday 11 December, the Prime Minister will pay tribute to the victims of the attacks three years ago, before inaugurating the Western Bypass of Strasbourg.

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