a UN report on abuses during the conflict


Video length: 2 min.


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In a report, the UN points the finger at Russia, like Ukraine, for abuses committed during the war. In particular the execution of prisoners and persons hors de combat.

At the beginning of March, this video showing an unarmed Ukrainian soldier, smoking his last cigarette before being shot by Russian soldiers, made the rounds on social networks. The UN suspects Moscow has committed dozens of war crimes like this since the start of the invasion of Ukraine. “We are also concerned about the summary execution of 15 Ukrainian POWs. The Wagner Group perpetrated 11 of these executions”denounces Mathilda Bogner, head of the UN human rights monitoring mission.

Ukraine also targeted

The international organization also denounces abuses committed by kyiv. According to the UN, we are talking about 25 prisoners of war and persons hors de combat executed by Ukraine. Charges rejected by kyiv. In a press release, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs denounces an attempt to put the victim and the aggressor on the same level. Last November, the UN was already pointing out cases of torture and ill-treatment inflicted on prisoners on both sides.

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