“A twisted little leg”: Celine Dion in bad shape, a relative reveals the strange causes of her condition

Canceled concerts, postponed performances… we would have even hoped to see her in the new season of the star Academy – she who was godmother of the TF1 show in 2007 – but health concerns prevented her from doing so. So, how is Celine Dion, she who has been worrying her audience for several years now? The mystery deepens over the months, it is true, but fortunately, a member of the family has just given some news. It is his sister, Claudette Dion, whom we know well in France for having joined the Farm Celebrity in Africa in 2010.

It’s true that she has muscle spasms

Asked about this by the site Showbizz.net, this Tuesday, October 25, 2022, Claudette Dion explained that Celine’s health problems were far from behind the singer, who always needs a lot of rest. “It’s true that she has muscle spasmsshe assures. I saw her myself with a twisted little leg“. If a culprit must be found, here is the ideal: the floor of the Colosseum room at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. For 16 years, Celine Dion sang in residence in the city of gambling, but the boards on which she evolved, built on a slope, “could have disturbed nerves or muscles in his pelvis“.

It would be impossible for her not to tell us

This time, at least, his voice seems intact. For a long time, Celine Dion had suffered from auditory irregularities making singing extremely difficult, due to a terrible disease called Eustachian tube of Patulous. In her misfortune, not being able to interpret the extent of her musical repertoire, Celine Dion tries to draw from the positive. She takes advantage of her three sons, of course, and is currently being pampered with massages. “I always say that if Celine was not well, we would know, Claudette promises. It would be impossible for her not to tell us. She’s going back to the shows. I heard the rehearsals are done and it’s a ‘mental sick’ thing! The appointment is made…

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