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On the tarmac at Orly airport, before flying to Romania, the president called on Tuesday June 14 for a Republican leap to win the majority in the second round of the legislative elections. A surprise speech which refueled the duel with Nupes.
Just before taking off for Romania on Tuesday June 14, Emmanuel Macron made a surprise speech on the tarmac at Orly. A sentence made Jean-Luc Mélenchon jump. “‘Sunday, no voice must be missing from the republic’, thus implying that in his eyes, the Nupes, this alliance of the main left-wing parties for the legislative elections, would be outside the republican field”reports the journalist Julien Nény, present in front of the HQ of La France insoumise for the 19/20 of France 3. Jean-Luc Mélenchon did not fail to react immediately in a text published Tuesday, June 14 in the afternoon on his blog.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s publication bore the following title: “The boat sinks, Macron takes the plane”. “The leader of La France insoumise unleashes his blows there, notably mocking a Trump-style sketch and denouncing ‘the confused broth of variable-geometry voting instructions'”, reports Julien Nény. Julien Bayou, the boss of the Greens, also reacted in a tweet published on Tuesday. This last “judges the head of state feverish and guilty in his eyes of disturbing autocratic excesses”, quotes the journalist. Five days away from the decisive second round of these legislative elections, “the tone has gone up a notch between macronie and the left bloc”concludes Julien Nény.