After the success of the documentary, Véronique Cloutier launches the magazine Véro, special issue Loto-Ménoa practical guide to menopause.
Posted at 11:00 a.m.
Véronique Cloutier hesitated to make this special issue. She didn’t want a mercantile operation around the menopause, because it has never been discussed since the broadcast of her documentary Loto-Meno on ICI TOU.TV Extra.
“I made the documentary Loto-Meno to help women, that was the only reason. I had suffered so much. I wanted all women to be informed about menopause, and to understand this stage of life which is overwhelming. There were too many prejudices and stereotypes that persisted on the subject, and that’s why I made this series, ”explains Véronique Cloutier in a telephone interview.
It was the editor Sophie Banford who had the idea of making a special magazine that presents all the information from the documentary, and even a little more. It explains the symptoms of menopause and perimenopause as well as the different treatments. We talk about hormones, hormone therapy, the life of a couple that is turned upside down, sexuality, with, as a bonus, some fashion and beauty tips from Véro to feel better about yourself. “I agreed to make this magazine on one condition: for each copy sold, $1 will be donated to the Ménosecours organization, which informs and helps women going through menopause”, specifies the host.
Véronique Cloutier never thought that her documentary Loto-Meno was going to cause such a political and social earthquake. Since its broadcast on June 20, 2021, the host has received daily testimonials from women who thank her. “I hear about it every day, everywhere, all the time. On social networks, in the street, at dinners. »
The word menopause is a word that I hear every day, it’s omnipresent, and it’s always the same comments that I hear: “Thank you, I recognized myself” or even “I’m not crazy” or “that made me feel good”.
Veronique Cloutier
The host cannot believe the enthusiasm aroused Loto-Meno, but especially the political turn of things, which she did not see coming. Recall that the DD Sylvie Demers collected nearly 300,000 signatures for her petition launched last year to demand that the government provide better access to bioidentical hormone therapy for menopausal and perimenopausal women. As a result, on May 26, the Minister of Health, Christian Dubé, announced that two of the bio-identical hormones are now covered by the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec.
“It’s a scenario worthy of Hollywood that I experienced! exclaims the host. “When I shot the epilogue to talk about the impact of the series, I did an interview with Minister Christian Dubé. His team asked me if it was possible to postpone the broadcast date of the episode, because they would have news to give me, just a little later. And I answered them: “I hope that I will not be disappointed!” But I never thought I would get this result: that bioidentical hormones would be covered,” she says.
When she thinks that this series almost never existed!
“The problems of good women who are hot… nobody is interested, it’s not a very sexy subject…”, that’s what I was told. Usually I listen to advice and trust the general mood around a topic, but this time there was no giving up.
Veronique Cloutier
“I had suffered too much, I had all the symptoms, sleep disturbances, joint pain, hair loss, immense fatigue, itching. So through my story, I wanted to help women. »
What’s left to do about menopause?
The host and producer reminds us that menopause should not be perceived negatively. Just like getting older, which can be seen, as in other cultures, as a form of wisdom, a privilege. “There is still a lot of education to be done, both within the population and in the health sector. Women are now aware of the subject, and they now know that there are a multitude of options to relieve them if they have symptoms. Being able to talk about menopause openly is how we’re going to break the taboo. »

The magazine Véro, special issue Loto-Ménoa practical guide to menopause, on newsstands October 13