a single departmental committee to better fight against violence against women

This is one more step to better support women victims of violence. A departmental committee to fight violence against women was created in the Indre. It is in fact bring together the already existing bodies into one to better coordinate actions.

State services, local authorities, associations, social landlords, health organizations and establishments … All the actors of this committee will meet once a year to take stock of the objectives displayed and the points to be improved. In the meantime, specific working groups will meet three or four times a year. The first departmental committee met this Wednesday, November 10.

Regularly check that existing systems are effective

“The objective of this unique body is to be able to carry out quarterly monitoring, verify the effectiveness of the systems over time, verify their appropriation by the various partners, because it is not enough for a system to exist to that it is appropriate, explains Élise Tamil, sub-prefect of Blanc, departmental referent in the fight against violence against women. It is also used to ensure communication on these subjects and to set up indicators “.

Since the start of the year, 404 incidents of intra-family violence have been observed by the police and gendarmerie of Indre (448 over the whole of 2020, and 407 over the whole of 2019).

This departmental committee has set itself seven lines of work to better fight against violence against women:

  • Reception, listening and guidance of victims
  • Protection of victims
  • Authors’ follow-up
  • The care and medical care of the victim
  • Accommodation and orientation towards sustainable accommodation for the victim
  • Support for victims in their socio-professional integration efforts
  • Inform, raise awareness and train

If you are a woman victim of violence, you can call 3919 (free call, number accessible 24/7).

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