A sexual relationship turns into a nightmare when the man decides to gouge out his partner’s eye

Some time ago, the city of Dijon was upset by a dark affair. A shocking story worthy of the greatest horror movies. On a cool November evening, a Friday the 13th to be more precise, a violent argument broke out between two funeral directors located near the Péjoces cemetery. A 45-year-old man reportedly lost his footing and gave in to a morbid impulse. Angry, he would not have resisted the urge to gouge out his colleague’s eye “with his bare hands” reports the Saône-et-Loire newspaper. The young woman was then rushed to the nearest university hospital. The speakers would also have been obliged to break down the door to be able to win.

According to the sources of our colleagues, the aggressor and the victim had planned to practice a satanic rite while having a sexual relationship. The goal was to empower the man who had the opportunity to subdue his partner. At the time, the funeral director was arrested and then placed behind bars. Éric Mathais, public prosecutor of Dijon had mentioned the charges against the 45-year-old man. To know, “attempted murder, acts of torture and barbarity resulting in permanent disability”explained the Public Good.

A terrible affair that shocked the Dijonnais and Dijonnaises. To date, no news seems to have been given as to the state of health of the young woman who lost her eye. For his part, the employee is probably still behind bars. One thing is certain, the inhabitants of the city will always remember this sad affair.

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