A sexual predator tried to escape

A sexual predator who fears being labeled a “dangerous offender” after trying to abduct a teenager off the street has attempted a daring escape from prison, knowing he has nothing left to lose.

“You placed a dummy in your bed to make it look like you were sleeping, and you hid in an area […] to cross fences. The authorities have got their hands on a homemade grab,” reads a recent decision by the Parole Board of Canada concerning Michel Vautour.

It is that Vautour, 45, faces an “indefinite” sentence following his most recent crime committed in the summer of 2020.

On conditional release in the Outremont district, he had made a 16-year-old girl believe that he was a police officer in order to handcuff her and put her in his car. Fortunately, the victim had detected the scheme.

“She screamed with all her might, she screamed to the point where she thought she lacked a voice,” the Crown explained during the guilty plea.

escape plan

The teenager was able to escape, and Vautour was arrested.

And a recent psychiatric report is clear: the rapist, who already served 18 years in prison in 2005 for a series of sex crimes against women, should be declared a “dangerous offender with an indeterminate sentence”.

Fearing never to return to the open air again, Vautour therefore fomented an escape plan last December. Discreetly, he had managed to make himself a grappling hook with a 35-foot net, as well as clothing and hygiene products.

A note, found in his cell, indicates that the sexual predator had planned everything.

“He mentioned that a person would be waiting for you in a restaurant, indicates the CLCC. You were also advised to stay in one specific city for three months and then in another for six months. »

Vulture then explained that he was “desperate” at the time and wanted to see his family again. This attempt to escape earned him to be transferred to a maximum security penitentiary.

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