A session that was not very “serene”, but which produced results, according to QS

Far from being “serene”, the last six months of politics have given concrete results for Québec solidaire (QS), the spokespersons of the left political party reassure themselves: first and foremost, the adoption by the Assembly national legislation imposing a moratorium on evictions and providing greater protection for senior tenants.

Six months ago almost to the day, when taking stock of the fall parliamentary session, the solidarity parliamentary leader, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, was delighted to have emerged “stronger” from a period eventful with the arrival at his side of Émilise Lessard-Therrien. Five months later, the co-spokeswoman of the left-wing political party, chosen in November, slammed the door resoundingly, citing her inability to change things at QS.

“We have experienced a moment in the last few weeks where… we had to question certain ways in which we operate at Québec solidaire,” agreed the person who has so far acted as female spokesperson, Christine. Labrie, in a review press conference on Friday at the Parliament Building.

Called upon to set out his wishes for the coming months, Mr. Nadeau-Dubois – whom Ms. Lessard-Therrien’s departure message specifically mentioned and who had to endure harsh criticism from former solidarity MP Catherine Dorion in October – did not It’s not hidden either.

“It is certain that we hope for a more… more serene and calmer next session on an internal level. I think it’s just honest to emphasize it,” he told the parliamentary press.

“Gain” on housing

However, despite the internal tremors at Québec solidaire, “the results are there,” rejoiced the member for Gouin. Like his colleague Labrie, he repeatedly recalled on Friday the adoption of Bill 65, which puts in place a moratorium on evictions which could last for three years in addition to broadening the protection of vulnerable senior tenants. in Quebec.

“We have, this session, at Québec solidaire, done what very few political parties, in opposition, have been able to do in recent years in Quebec: convince the government to take up in full some of our proposals in a bill,” he said.

The solidarity elected official has little regard for the polls, in which his political party stagnates, month after month. Two years before the elections, it accepts its status as an opposition party for the moment.

“At the start of the session, we had some good polls, there were some less good ones, there were some average ones. Today, what I remember is that, despite these variations, which are real, we appear before you saying: we have improved the lives of tens of thousands of seniors and then hundreds of thousands of tenants,” said Mr. Nadeau-Dubois.

” Work to do “

The Solidaire co-spokesperson agrees: there remains “work to do for Québec Solidaire to move to the next stage” to become a “government party”. A first project was completed two weeks ago, with the adoption of the Saguenay Declaration, according to him. The reform of the statutes and the program will come in the coming years.

“The elections are more than two years away. It is well known that there are ongoing discussions at Québec solidaire on how to move on to the next stage. But today, we are doing a parliamentary assessment exercise. We are satisfied with the gains we have delivered for Quebec,” said Mr. Nadeau-Dubois, who also continues to work “on himself,” as he had already said.

“I want to have the place that the members of my party and my team want me to have. I don’t want to take a place that doesn’t belong to me or a place that is not wanted,” he added.

In a vote to reappoint him as spokesperson in November, Mr. Nadeau-Dubois received the support of 90% of activists in what had all the makings of a vote of confidence.

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