a report highlights the climate and economic benefits of renewables in France

The development of wind, solar, renewable heat and biofuels between 2000 and 2019 has avoided the emission of 426 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

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The development of renewable energies in France has resulted in significant climatic and economic advantages, according to a report published on Wednesday June 1 by the Environment and Energy Management Agency (Ademe). And they should continue to materialize in the coming years, according to thePublic establishment. This result was obtained by the development of wind and solar power, renewable heat and biofuels.

“The development of renewables [énergies renouvelables et de récupération] in France between 2000 and 2019 has avoided the consumption of 1,468 TWhep [térawattheures d’énergie primaire] of fossil fuels, in France and in Europe, representing more than half a year of energy consumption in France”, welcomes this report. This development has thus made it possible to avoid the emission of 426 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

Another advantage, financial this time: a saving of “40 billion euros” on the French energy bill. The study concludes to “major interest” the development of renewables to reduce imports of fossil fuels. A topical theme today with the climate emergency, but also Europe’s desire to wean itself off Russian oil and gas since the invasion of Ukraine.

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