“A relief” for the association of victims 13onze15

Neither Salah Abdeslam nor any other convicted in the so-called November 13, 2015 trial will appeal the various court decisions. “The horizon is clearing, it’s a relief”reacts Tuesday, June 12 on franceinfo Philippe Duperron, president of the association 13onze15 Fraternité – Vérité.

His son, Thomas, died at the age of 30 at the Bataclan. “The question arose as to whether we would have to face a second trial, we can rest definitively…” According to him, “the sentence was accepted by the condemned”.

>> Attacks of November 13: Salah Abdeslam and all the other defendants have not appealed, there will be no second trial

Philippe Duperron returned to this trial, “a physical and psychological ordeal”, “to face the testimonies, the pain, the defendants and the defense pleadings”. He mentioned the “excesses” of Salah Abdeslam, who will therefore not appeal his incompressible life sentence: “There will remain a name, a personality.” As the trial closes, Philippe Duperron says to keep in mind “a historic trial, an ordeal, a great moment of justice, during which a very special place was given to all the victims”.

“So much the better that there is no need to do that again”, reacted for his part Arthur Dénouveaux, president of the association of victims of the attacks of November 13, 2015 “Life for Paris”, while no convict in the so-called trial of November 13, 2015 will appeal the various court decisions. An appeal trial “could not have been up to par”, for Arthur Dénouveaux.

“I’m not sure we would have brought anything new to the truth.”

Arthur Denouveaux

at franceinfo

The ten-day appeal period expired Monday at midnight. “Until this morning, I thought it was possible that he would appeal and it was a relief”relates the president of “Life for Paris”. “I saw the defense lawyers trying to redo the trial after the trial, giving moral lessons. No, this trial was not a failure. Everyone was able to speak, everyone was able to to be heard and make their case. And professional judges ruled in the end.”believes the president of the association.

“We can always say to ourselves that the time in detention will change things, but in the end, why does an accused appeal? It is rather to reduce his sentence. Are there really any explanations that they were able to provide in order to reduce their sentence and that they did not provide to us at this trial? I am not sure“, comments the president of “Life for Paris”.

“Salah Abdeslam’s psychological springs will remain a mystery anyway.”

Arthur Denouveaux

at franceinfo

“I think it’s quite logical that when he last spoke, he asked not to have the most extreme pain. On the other hand, once he received it, he had to live with it and, obviously, he made the choice to accept it.” The president of “Life for Paris” recalls that a new trial of the attacks of November 13, 2015 is still possible because “one of the defendants detained in Turkey was tried in his absence and the day when Turkey will return him to France , he will be able to ask for a new trial. On the other hand, it will never have the same intensity or the same force”, assures Arthur Dénouveaux.

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